You are here:Home/Capabilities/Energy performance analysis of aircraft
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What we have
Energy performance analyses of aircraft with varying system configurations, e.g. with alternative propulsion and power solutions such as hybrid electric, more electric or hydrogen based systems?
Evaluation and optimisation of fuel, energy and emission results of current and future aircraft missions?
Insight in the feasibility of alternative propulsion and power systems on various aircraft types: e.g. as retrofit on existing aircraft types or on new and radical aircraft concepts?
Insight in the impact of various technology prospects on future aircraft energy performance? Or inversely, insight in the technological requirements to fulfil different “What If” scenarios?
A long term experience in aircraft performance modelling and simulation following a multidisciplinary approach
Deployment and continuous development of methods for energy performance analysis of novel aircraft through active collaboration with European research and industrial partners in relevant research projects
Efficient tooling for mission performance and scenario analysis of aircraft with hybrid electric propulsion (MASS), with models of various complexity levels, depending on the needs.