NLR strategic themes 2022-2025
Royal NLR plays a leading role in the field of aerospace in the Netherlands, as the connecting link between science, business, society and government. As a knowledge organisation for applied research, we occupy a central position in the valorisation process, transforming knowledge into value. Our goal is for the result of our research to have a societal and economic impact through the development of practical applications. We make this possible through sustainable innovation, by developing knowledge about clean solutions and safety and security in the aerospace domain, and making this accessible to the aerospace industry. In this way, together with the Dutch aerospace industry, we help to maintain a prosperous society and make a meaningful contribution towards a clean, safe and better future world.
In addition, our knowledge and research infrastructure forms part of a European network as a prelude to further integration of the European aerospace research organisations. And in the defence domain, we maintain a close connection with the knowledge and research infrastructure of our NATO partners.