- Safety and compatibility assessmentof mixed VFR/IFR air traffic operations
- Assessment of aircraft operations in strong wind conditions
- Aeronautical study for you airport concerning take-offs or missed approaches
- Flight technical assessment of your airport
- Collision risk assessment for proposed RNAV/visual approach procedures for your airport
Safety management and the organisational aspects thereof are clearly very important with respect to the actual safety performance. Nevertheless, one should be aware that the final step in the safety chain concerns the actual flight operation: that is where all concerted safety actions should result in the practical achievement of a safe flight. For this reason it is essential that new or modified systems and flight procedures are carefully analysed concerning operational safety and flight technical aspects, before being introduced. These analyses are captured by the generic term “aeronautical study”.
Based on its operational and flight technical expertise, NLRs Safety Institute been involved in a broad range of assessments, varying from airport operations to air navigation procedure design.
Some of our customers are Geneva airport, Reykjavik airport, Zurich airport, Teuge airport, Frankfurt/Main airport, Lelystad airport and the Knowlegde Development Centre of Mainport Schiphol.
NLR is certified as a Flight Procedure Design Service Provider in accordance with Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373. The scope of services/functions is limited to Validation of Flight Procedures. Design and Documentation of Flight Procedures (including maintenance and periodic review) and Independent IFP Design Review are out of scope.
Related Issues
- Collision risk assessment
- Flight technical aspects
- Missed approaches
- Mixed VFR/IFR air traffic operations
- Modified flight procedures
- New flight procedures
- RNAV/visual approach procedures
- Strong wind conditions