- To take the next step in the development of your oversight system?
- To perform oversight on Safety Management Systems of air transport organisations?
- To improve your contextual information on safety performance, both on State and organisation level?
- To monitor main safety risks in your State?
Moving from compliance-based to performance-based safety oversight is not an easy and straightforward task. Performance-based oversight focuses on safety performance and risks. A key element in performance-based oversight is having up-to-date knowledge of the safety performance of individual aviation organisations as well as at the State level. Awareness of main aviation safety risks across various stakeholders is an enabler for performance based oversight.
Performance based oversight shifts the focus on safety performance of individual organisations as well as the safety performance at State and international level. To develop a picture of the safety performance, data needs to be collected that represents in a valid and comprehensive way the safety performance of the aviation system and its actors. Auditors and inspectors will need to assess and interpret all collected safety performance information for their oversight on the actor’s SMS.
NLR can assist aviation authorities in
- Tools and techniques to collect, process, integrate and analyse data from various sources to build a common risk picture / present (safety) performance information
- Identifying main safety risks by making use of qualitative and/or quantitative risk models
- Interpreting safety performance at organisation and State level
- Benchmarking safety performance statistics against European and world-wide data
- Providing tools for visualizing safety performance in a clear and unambiguous way
- Oversight on Safety Management Systems
Track Record
We performed international studies on the performance based approach to regulations and oversight and on the regulatory Performance Scheme for the European Commission and for EASA. We assist the Dutch Regulator with the implementation of performance based oversight in the Netherlands. We also performed reviews of safety performance measurement methodologies of Civil Aviation Authorities, e.g. for FOCA (Switzerland) and the CAA of Singapore. Recently, we contributed actively in the EASA work groups to develop the new EU 2017-373 and its guidance material, including material on risk based review by Competent Authorities in case of changes by ANSPs.
Related Issues
- Aviation Safety risks
- Performance Scheme
- Risk based oversight
- Safety management
- Safety performance indicator information
- Safety performance indicator measurement
- Safety performance indicator statistics
- Safety performance information
- Safety performance measurement
- Safety performance statistics
- Safety risk modelling
- State Safety Plan
- Total aviation system