Royal NLR supports airports in the recovery from COVID-19
The COVID-19 crisis is affecting airports worldwide. If you’re looking for a safe and sustainable recovery, Royal NLR is your partner. We offer support by providing practical solutions and advice in multiple areas.
In a context of massive economic downturn due to the COVID-19 crisis, the operational challenges are apparent and widespread. How do you ensure that during and after this crisis the passenger journey is and remains safe and pleasant? How can you guarantee operations remain safe, efficient and resilient? How can you develop and maintain a good relation with local communities, while addressing environment and climate change at the same time? How can you be better prepared when hit again in the future by similar catastrophic, global threats?
Airports are already working on their recovery plans to address these issues and more. However, this is a massive challenge and having a sparring partner in these struggling times may be beneficial. NLR can provide support in developing and realising key elements of the recovery plan in the following areas: