The goal of ISCM is to promote discussion on recent developments in manufacturing of high performance composites and related areas. Discussions at ISCM involve analysis of emerging issues, the state of the art in composites manufacturing and discussion on those developments that will shape the near future of composites development. ISCM has a tradition in aerospace composites manufacturing, but is open to all that develop composite products for high performance applications to present their achievements. Non-aerospace related, high performance, composites applications are therefore very welcome to be presented at ISCM. ISCM 2018 will be held on 21 and 22 November 2018 at the Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR in Marknesse, The Netherlands. ISCM is a biennial event organised by the Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR and the German Aerospace Centre DLR who act as alternate hosts. For more info visit https://www.nlr.org/iscm/