We herewith cordially invite you to attend the Visitors’ Event for the SESAR Project PJ03A-01.EXE.050 Validation activity for “Fully Dynamic Virtual Block Control”. This validation is carried out as a common activity of NLR (AT-One), ENAV, Leonardo and Thales Avionics within project PJ03A (Integrated Surface Management) of SESAR-2020. Please note that, since it is a distributed simulation activity, the Visitors’ Event at NLR will mainly focus on the ground side with ENAV controllers managing traffic in a Milan-Malpensa environment in NLR’s NARSIM Tower simulator, while the airside is covered by the Leonardo GRA flight simulator with the new navigation equipment. This simulator is based in Turin and will be connected to NARSIM from that location. Nevertheless, it will be possible to have a look at the NLR Full Motion Base Flight Simulator GRACE that includes a research prototype navigation display with Virtual Block Control and associated routing. GRACE has been used in a part-task simulation activity in December last year to gather experience in setting up this (larger) simulation activity and to receive feedback from pilots and controllers. The easiest way to get from Schiphol Airport to the NLR is by taxi (15 minutes). Travel directions can be found here. Please confirm your attendance as soon as possible but not later than 25 April 2018 by sending an e-mail to 11:30 – 12:00 Early registration if lunch is required Please, note that all travel and accommodation costs (including lunch) are not covered by NLR nor any other beneficiary in this exercise. Feel free to contact me for any questions you might have regarding this event. Best regards,Registration
Patricia.Sijaranamual@nlr.nl with CC to Juergen.Teutsch@nlr.nl specifying:
Early reception with lunch will be possible from 11:30-13:00 hrs.Agenda
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch (please, try to be on time if you intend to have lunch) N.B.: bank (debit) card preferred (contactless payment or via PIN)
13:00 – 13:30 Registration and Coffee
13:30 – 14:00 Welcome and presentation of the SESAR PJ03A Fully Dynamic Virtual Block Control concept and the NLR/ENAV/Leonardo/Thales validation activity
14:00 – 14:15 Questions and Discussion
14:15 – 15:45 Demonstration exercise at the NARSIM Tower and GRACE Flight Simulator platforms
15:45 – 16:30 Final discussion with debriefing on initial results
16:30 End of Event
Juergen Teutsch