Programme Climate-neutral aviation
In 2050 the aviation industry, with its knowledge and economic influence, must comply with and contribute towards achieving the Dutch and European climate objectives and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Aviation will be cleaner and quieter, thereby having less of an impact on the climate and environment. What’s more, by achieving the climate objectives, the future of aviation and of the entire Dutch aviation sector will be secured.
To contribute towards climate neutrality of the aviation sector, this programme sets up research projects in collaboration with universities, other knowledge institutions and companies. The focus lies on (components of) propulsion technologies, sustainable fuels, testing facilities, innovative aircraft architecture, circular production and maintenance techniques, aircraft operations, regulation, certification, governmental policy and climate research.

To achieve the objectives, in the forthcoming period we will concentrate on the themes: (hybrid) electric propulsion, hydrogen propulsion, sustainable fuels, sustainable operations on the ground and in the air, regulation and policy, circularity and evaluating the impact of climate assessments.