Entries by Rachelle Meijer

Today Twitter  is the domain for a lively debate on the future of the Dutch knowledge economy. The Twitter debate is Dutch only. Therefore you will receive the next hours some NLR tweets in Dutch. More info (Dutch only): #kennisdebat,  @kennisdebat […]

From Tuesday 4 to Friday 7 September 2012 the European Rotorcraft Forum is held at the Amsterdam Marriott Hotel. This forum is one of the premier events in the rotorcraft community’s calendar bringing together manufacturers, research centres, academia, operators and […]

Amsterdam, 8th august, 2012 Recently the National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) initiated the first training centre in Europe for operators of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs).  At this new training centre NLR will conduct research into the possibilities for UAS operator education […]

The TAPAS torsion box demonstrator, representative for the load carrying box of an airliner flap or the tail of a business jet has been tested to possible failure at  the Dutch Aerospace Laboratories (NLR) on Tuesday July 24th. However, the demonstrator proofed […]

Safety-critical embedded systems In the CHARTER project, the development life-cycle of software for safety-critical embedded systems was improved. Development times are shorter and development costs lower for these systems, such as flight control computers in aircraft and control computers in […]

An average air force stands to save millions of euro on training costs thanks to a new training simulation program that increases the realism and effectiveness of fighter jet training. An added advantage of this new way of training is […]

Updated model incorporates future scenarios PhD researcher Robbert-Jan Merk (NLR) recently received a best paper award in Dalian (China) for his paper ‘Action selection using Theory of Mind: a case study in the domain of fighter pilot training’. Publication  The […]

 NLR is helping the UAS Industry to get ahead Unmanned aircraft are taking to the air more and more often, not only for military applications, but with an increasing demand for civil applications. Unmanned Aerial Systems or UASs perform patrol […]

The transport industry is making more and more use of composite materials, or composites for short. Nothing further obstructs a major breakthrough of this light and strong construction material following the sharp decrease in the costs. The latest acquisition of […]