
Large aircraft that fly fixed routes and smaller aircraft that…

Groningen Airport Eelde welcomes first Continuous Descent Approach

On Friday, 17 February, Groningen Airport Eelde hosted its first…

André Kuipers calls NLR from ISS

Last Friday André Kuipers called the National Aerospace Laboratory…

How does Schiphol prepare for winter weather?

Every autumn a team of some 120 air traffic controllers, ground…

NLR wins award for new fibre placement processes

NLR has won first place in the 'Outstanding Paper Award'…

Operator Fatigue in Aviation

Mental and/or physical fatigue of operators is a significant…

2011: a good year for aviation safety

Of the more than 18 million flights in Western Europe and North…

NLR signs training agreement with NHI

The Netherlands National Aerospace Laboratory NLR has signed…

NLR investigates affordable launch system for small satellites

In the ALOSS project, the National Aerospace Laboratory is…