I/ITSEC, the world’s largest training systems and simulation event. But how can you find your way through this overwhelming showcase of innovative training and simulation programs? Which training program, in the field of aerospace, is most cost effective and safe, regarding my specific needs?
The Netherlands Aerospace Centre-NLR can assist you with answering these questions. With our unique expertise and state of the art facilities we bridge the gap between research and application, theory and practice, the virtual world and the real world and between training and real combat. With our multi-disciplinary approach and integral knowledge of the aerospace sector, we are able to incorporate every aspect needed for safe and cost effective training programs.
This year we will focus on improving airmen training and how to maximize training effectiveness and how to significantly reduce training costs.
We would also like to invite you to three lectures we are presenting during I/ITSEC:
On Wednesday December 2nd, 14:00 hrs., we will present ‘ Modeling CGF Behavior with Machine Learning Techniques, Requirements and Future Directions’, room S320C, session S-6 Human Interface to Artificial Intelligence.
On Wednesday December 2nd , 15:00 hrs., we will present ‘Automated Surveys: Lowering the Respondent’s Burden’ , room S320F, session P-4 Getting Your Money’s Worth.
On Thursday December 3rd , 10:30 hrs., we will present ‘ Improving military Crew Resource Management using a commercial strategy game’, room S320A, session T-6 ISR, CRM, TDM, Oh my! – Different Domains, Universal Strategies.
We would be delighted to discuss with you if and in what way we can assist you in developing and implementing training programs, as well as how we can support you in regard to other capabilities, as presented in our lectures. Meet us at stand 2273 at the I/ITSEC, Orlando Florida, November 30th- December 4th.